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Bumper/farm jack

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on the fritz:
I can find them, but they have a different grabbing/holding part than what I need.  My son has a 71 Duster.  The bumper has little slots for the bumper jack to fit in.  The ones I have found have a wide, flat foot that goes under the bumper, not in the slot.

Will the wider foot be OK to lift the car?  Is there some kind of adapter?

If you have one for sale, I would be interested...... :)

In operation, Bumper Jacks are dicey tools at best.   The basic design concept is just really weak.  Often, as the car is jacked up higher and higher and the emergency brake holds the wheels stationary, the load location shifts further away, relative to the jack's very narrow baseplate. 

Sometimes they are used to raise a car so high that the jack shafts actually bend.   Not a great whole lot, but enough to make a reasonable person leery.    Every so often the news carries a story about one failing, resulting in injury/death.

Seems like you should obtain either a jack specifically made for the '71 Duster or, at minimum, a bumper jack with a very definite underhook that will closely match the Duster's bumper contour.

Maybe a trip to the auto boneyard or perhaps an ad on Craigslist will help you in this situation.

Good Luck.


on the fritz:
Oh, I completely understand.  I plan on putting wheel chocks and Jack stands underneath as it goes up slowly.  That way, if it does fall, it won't fall to the ground.

Not sure if I could find a Duster specific jack for it, hence the hi-lift jack thread.

m morton:

--- Quote from: on the fritz on December 28, 2016, 03:23:42 PM ---Oh, I completely understand.  I plan on putting wheel chocks and Jack stands underneath as it goes up slowly.  That way, if it does fall, it won't fall to the ground.

Not sure if I could find a Duster specific jack for it, hence the hi-lift jack thread.

--- End quote ---

no need to look for a Duster specific jack just get any scissor jack out of any car at U pullit or a junk yard or hydraulic floor jack and place it under the axil or frame . i had a 69 chevet with a bumper jack and it about killed me and i was using it on a all most flat driveway . i ended up having to call a tow truck to lift my car as the jack was bent and stuck under the car. it want in the trash and i got a 1 ton floor jack for my trunk later on o got a 3 ton floor for my garage. a scissor or hydraulic floor jack is way better that a bumper jack hands down ... 

2nd the floor jack suggestion, or even a simple hydraulic bottle jack.


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