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FYI Kintner resigning

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--- Quote from: Kendahl on January 25, 2017, 12:01:32 PM ---... A politician has to be perpetually on his guard about what he says and does. If he has anything in his background that could be dug up and used against him, he should stay out of politics entirely.

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--- Quote from: greg58 on January 25, 2017, 10:53:48 AM ---I hope the Governor appoints someone friendly, someone like Papillion's mayor!


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Ya can't have him...He's mine.

Not sure if he could represent Kitners district anyway. Probably lives in Smith's district.

Did Kitner introduce any bills for the NFOA? and if so, what happens to them?


--- Quote from: feralcatkillr on January 25, 2017, 03:54:18 PM ---Online sex chat with a Ukrainian hooker is usually a bad idea.

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And on a State issued computer.  2 questionable choices made in the last 2 years. Wonder if he has had a history of making bad choices?  Don't know the guy. 

Kintner did introduce LB666 for us.

Speaker Scheer is working on redirecting Kintner's bills.  We have no confirmation yet, but this one could end up with Senator Lowe.


--- Quote from: Kendahl on January 25, 2017, 12:01:32 PM ---In politics, destroying an opponent's reputation is simply another way to attack his policies. A politician has to be perpetually on his guard about what he says and does. If he has anything in his background that could be dug up and used against him, he should stay out of politics entirely. Kintner paid the price for giving his enemies a way to get at him.

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He liked to force votes so that senators had to go on record, which I appreciated.  But you can't be the guy rocking the boat and then just hand over fodder to your political enemies like that.  Hopefully the Governor appoints someone who can help out the NFOA.


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