This is copied and pasted from something sent out by Two swords Training. I think it shows just how criminal the Nebraska legislature is, and how cowardly and impotent the state Republican party is (if not outright complicit in these crimes).
Tale of two states – KS vs NE
When comparing gun rights one does not need to look far for vast differences in levels of
freedom. The Nebraska legislature can complain all they want about needing this gun law or
this part of the concealed carry law but the arguments don't hold water.
Nebraska and Kansas are states that are very similar.
Both have college towns, Lincoln contains the capital, Lawrence does not. A multitude of small
towns, surrounded by farmland. Both have large city problems. Omaha compared to Kansas
City Kansas. When looking at the gun and knife freedoms the differences become clear.
Issue Nebraska Kansas
Handgun Purchase Permits YES NO
No Concealed Carry Signs have force of law YES NO
City Handgun Registration (Omaha) YES (Omaha) NO
Switchblade carry banned YES NO
Knife Carry over 3 1/2 inches banned YES NO
Public Building Carry banned YES+ NO++
Bar Carry Banned YES NO
Possible City Open Carry Regulations YES NO
School Carry Banned YES NO
State Capital Carry Banned YES NO
College Campus Carry Banned YES NO++
Carry without a permit Banned
Constitutional Carry is allowed in Kansas YES NO
+ Per Nebraska law CCW is banned where public meetings are held.
++ Per Kansas law, public buildings must provide adequate security (Metal Detectors) or allow
licensed concealed carry, after a four exemption, period ending July 1st, 2017.
++ Starting July 1st, 2017 a four year exemption expires and Colleges Campuses must provide
adequate security (Metal Detectors) or allow concealed carry.
Why do I write all this? Because gun and knife rights can always be improved.
Are there massive problems in Kansas because of these freedoms? No.
That is what you have to point out to your Nebraska legislators.