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Wish this surprised me but sadly not.  Not a good way to help unite our country 
And more info for your perusal.

There has been a lot of censoring of conservative posts on the various social media sites. It is surprising how much they do while at the same time screaming about free speech.

I've been suspended from Facebook twice for making true statements about Islam, the second time for 14 days, and both times I was threatened with permanent banishment.

I think the liberal cult knows it lost the election in large part because it was unable to control the internet.  In the past it controlled most media, and was able to control a majority of thought by controlling the widespread distribution of the expression of it.  The internet changed that.  So now there is a major effort underway to control the internet.

One way they do that is to outlaw or forbid so-called hate speech, using this definition from The Dictionary of Liberal Doublespeak:
hate: 1, Intense and unapologetic non-acceptance of liberal dogma. 2, The expression of truth that has been forbidden by the high seers of liberalism, America’s official state religion. 3. Opposition to wealth redistribution and social engineering forced on people by government. 4. Belief that the Constitution is and ought to be the law, and that it means what its words and authors say it means.

George Orwell said “Freedom is the freedom to say two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.” Liberal doctrine forbids the truth from being spoken, with speech and behavior codes commonly referred to by the phrase political correctness. These codes are enforced with threats of expulsion, termination, banishment, and excommunication, effectively taking away the freedom to say two plus two make four, when the official state church does not want that truth spoken.

This is how a wall of doublethink is maintained, as a barrier between the truth and the masses. It is how masses are herded like cattle.  If patriots do not fight back successfully against this effort, we will be forced to move with the herd, and we will be herded all the way to the slaughterhouse.


--- Quote from: Mali on February 05, 2017, 08:20:49 AM ---There has been a lot of censoring of conservative posts on the various social media sites. It is surprising how much they do while at the same time screaming about free speech.

--- End quote ---
Double standard.  "Same old song and dance" sorry, old Aerosmith reference.  Lol

I never joined Twitter but I dropped my Google/YT accounts because of censoring of views which opposed those held by Hillary and her mafia.  I dropped Facebook several years ago because it is unsafe.

My free speech social site is


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