General Categories > Newsworthy

What can you say.

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Lol.  I remembered the link this time Bob.

Yesterday I was shooting at white steel targets, no white folks were harmed, and only mildly nervous!!


I can't believe that people actually think these things up and truly believe them. Why is it they aren't concerned about people shooting at the targets that show actual people? Stupid, just stupid.


--- Quote from: Mali on February 21, 2017, 08:25:44 AM ---I can't believe that people actually think these things up and truly believe them. Why is it they aren't concerned about people shooting at the targets that show actual people? Stupid, just stupid.

--- End quote ---
Honestly shouldn't be surprised, but still leaves me shaking my head and chuckling. 

m morton:
next you can expect to be called a racist for shooting at black silhouette-targets and a group will form called "BTM" black targets mater.  and don't forget riots in the streets outside your local gun range.

the .0001% will try to push their agendas even if it's nonsense just to stay in the news and be relevant at the expense of every one else.   

whats that line from Forrest Gump " stupid is as stupid does  " i think that fits


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