Please also remember that if you are planning on shooting the match, pre-register online and get yourself squadded prior to 5pm tomorrow (Thursday) because online registration will be closed at that time.
(Staff is shooting Friday, so we need to download the registration and set up the Nooks for scoring prior to that time.)
Match website again: Registration again: you are going to try to be a walk-in on Saturday or Sunday (it is a charity match, we'll TRY to get you in), bear in mind that 1) you have to do so well before 7:25am on those days, and 2) you are going to get squadded wherever we have space. So if you want choices on that sort of thing, PLEASE pre-register online and squad yourself! (It is a real hassle for match staff to deal with walk-ins.)
As the last post said---you MUST check in on your shooting day between 7am and 7:25am. After that, check-in will be closed so we can get the match scoring set up and to the range officials on the stages. Please do NOT show up late and complain that we didn't make literally everyone else in the match wait for you while we re-set all the scoring equipment just for you--you won't like how that works out. Please be respectful of the fact that everyone ELSE there wants to shoot just as much as you, and there are a LOT of them.
It looks like we are going to have an excellent turnout, and we are going to be giving significant amounts of help to the charity. See you at the range!