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One more mountain lion sighting in Omaha



Les sent a text last night to let me know about this and this morning I see this article posted. So glad I live on the south side of town. However, the MLs seem to be following the waterways into town and there is one right across the street. Hmmm.

They are out there. Bring back our hunting seasons!!

Also oppose LB448!

They are cool but not in populated areas.  :o  And yes, oppose LB448, don't take control of the season from NGPC.  (ML's love Deer)


--- Quote from: Les on March 03, 2017, 04:30:49 PM ---They are cool but not in populated areas.  :o  And yes, oppose LB448, don't take control of the season from NGPC.  (ML's love Deer)

--- End quote ---
Who doesn't love deer? Deer jerky, venison steaks, BBQ venison meatballs. Oh the choices!


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