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Wild Hog Hunts

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Has anyone done any hog hunting in OK or TX? I am thinking about going and was looking for some refrences to guides or outfitters or if someone knows of a private individual who would like some removed from the property. If anyone knows of guides or outfitters to avoid that would be great info also. Any help greatly apriciated. You can post here or pm me. Thanks

Dan W:
Gunscribe has hunted hogs in OK a bunch. Hopefully he will check in here

I'd like to know about some good hog hunting places too.  I've always wanted to go and so has my Father in law.  He's in pretty poor health these days so I'd love to take him soon before it's too late.

oooH. id like to hunt some hogs.. Can I go ??

I went on a Hog hunt 10yrs ago, just west of Larado TX. Close enough to the boarder to see the Boarder patrol helcopters flying around at night :o
I went with a friend of a friend and he made me carry all of the heavy stuff :angry9: But it was a good time.

MMMM Bacon!!!!


I strongly encourage everyone to hunt hogs, I have gone 3x in Florida and it is an absolute blast. Twice we used dogs- running through sugar cane and swampy marshes to catch-up is very exciting and then working for a clear shot while the dogs have the hog bayed up. The other time was from a stand over a feeder- a lot more like deer hunting, but there were a LOT of pigs coming & going, so got to look them over before shooting.

There is a small element of danger as hogs are cantankerous, it's kinda exotic for us in the Midwest and helps reduce the vermin (no hunting license required for hogs in Fla) so it's win-win and the meat was outstanding- especially the hog that lived in the sugar cane field, absolutely the best pork I've ever had. 

I'd also be interested in any info about hunts in OK/TX as it would make a great weekend hunt in the spring. I've read parts of East Texas are getting completely overrun with hogs.


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