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Wild Hog Hunts

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As far as the best caliber I've done some talking with outfitters and some individuals who have hunted them and it is really a matter of if your trophy hunting were you would shoot for the heart or lungs or meat hunting to shoot them in the head. They say heart or lung shots you want a heavy bullet to anchor them because they have a tendancy to be a bit on the owly side when wounded. The top sugestion I've had are the 30 cals for this. Meat hunting alot of these guys say the 223 or 243's are exelent as most of the shooting is within 100 yards. I think i will take my R15 and my 7mm mag just to have the bases covered.

I went here last spring:

It was pretty dry last year so not a lot of hogs in that area then.  This year has had a lot more moisture so the hogs have increased in number.

We had a blast.  The lodge there is the nicest one I've ever been in.  Full kitchen, nice beds, very clean.  $150.00 for three days and two nights hunting.  Great folks and I'd highly recommend them.

You can use about anything of suitable caliber.  The ones we took were with a .204 and a 12g. slug.  Good eats, too.


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