Hello Shooters,
It is time for another season of RYG matches.
Our first match was canceled due to weather, but it looks like our next match on April 8th is going to be a beautiful day. I encourage you to come out and test your skills at the match.
As a reminder there will be 3 stage and you will need about 100 rounds of ammo per gun. You can shoot 2 guns if you would like ($10 for the first and $5 for the second).
The match dates for this year are:
Shooting starts at 8 am and you can sign up until noon.
Seeking a new match director or a couple of co-directors.
This will be my last year running this match. I'm looking for a volunteer or two who would be willing to take on the role of match director or co-match director if there are a couple of you that want to share the role.
New Divisions
This year we have introduced a few new divisions.
-Rimfire Pistol
-Rimfire Rifle
-Pistol Caliber Carbine
I sent out details on these last month, so if you have any questions please let me know.
Sean Gewecke
Match Director