General Categories > Kids and Guns

Lincoln police called on children playing with toy guns


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My manager doesn't like me talking about guns. She doesn't like guns because she's afraid of them. She won't even buy her son toy guns. So I was surprised when she told me this story.

She said that yesterday afternoon after she got off work she was home searching the web for relestate listings, she wants to move, in front of an open window, when she heard a male voice ask her son "are your parents home?" She looked up to see two police officers standing in her back yard with her son and his friend. She rushed outside to find out what the officers wanted. Turns out the boys had been playing with friend's toy guns and some one driving by called the police to report children with guns. The officers told her not to worry about it, that this happens all the time.

NE Bull:

You serious Clark?  (sorry, Xmas Vacation reference) couldn't help it.  Still unbelievable they fell for it. 


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