I hope this is the sub-forum for this.
I never thought it would happen being stationed at Offutt in aircraft maintenance for over 7 years, but I got orders to japan last week.... So I can't take any of my guns and ammo with me... yay

I had two options before I read all the new laws in California where my parents live. Ammo transfers over 500 rounds have to go through a licensed dealer etc... And I dont need to burden my dad with all that kind of **** at his age.
My inlaws live in Texas and we are going there this summer and I was wondering on the legalities of bringing all my guns and ammo down through OK and KS. The guns would be in there own locked cases with no ammo in those cases at all. And the ammo would be either in ammo cans or spam cans/crates. We would be transporting everything in the flatbed of our F150 (*covered/locked of course).
Can anyone give me any other insight on what i should do?
Info: Active Military, 5 handguns (one being an ak pistol) and 3 rifles (2 mosins and an ak-74), 6k+ rounds of ammo. going from Nebraska through Kansas, Oklahoma, and ending in Texas.