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Any guitar players on here?

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My brother in law plays guitar and has been trying to get me to start for a while.  On Thanksgiving he dropped by with a Guild Starfire hollow body electric and a Fender Hot Rod amp.  He said to keep them as long as I want, just as long as I learn to play.  So, I have yet another hobby now.  This one the wife approves of more than the guns, but that might change when she figures out just how much money can be burned on guitars ;D

If there are any other players on here let's hear from pics if you have them.  I'm in Milwaukee right now so I can't play :(

dude i play.  actually i haven't played much in the past year or two.  the reason, my band had broken up and i needed some time away.  i really need to start up again, but it gets boring playing by yourself.

anyways, all i play is metal.  im not good at solos at all.  i just like to groove like pantera.  ill post pics later, ill show ya what i got.

Mikee Loxxer:
Another guitar player here. I have been playing for over 20 years.

ok as promised here are a few pics of my equipment.

a lineup of most of the group:

the 2001 Washburn Dimebag Darrell Signature guitar (customized with upgrades):

Dean ML '79 reissue (with upgrades):

Carvin DC135:

Carvin DC135 back:  the color and rain does not "pop" in the picture.  looks amazing in person:

the Ampeg 8x10 cab with SVT4PRO head and other things:

the Crate full stack:

thats about all i got.  i have a few other things hidden away that i don't use very much.

Very nice...I'm into rockabilly type stuff (think Reverend Horton Heat) so the hollow body has a nice sound for me.  Not that I'm anywhere near being able to play like that.....


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