General Categories > Shooting Sports
IHMSA air pistol Silhouette + Intro to shooting class
On Sunday, Jan 24th the Lincoln Ikes will be having their monthly IHMSA indoor air pistol silhouette shoot. Match starts at 8:00 AM and there are classes for everything from entry level pistols to mega buck competition pistols. I just got a Crosman 2300 for Christmas so I'm all fired up to give it a try!
Even more important (IMO) following the match at 2:00 there is an Introduction to Firearms class. The purpose of the class is to teach new shooters how to safely handle a firearm, and will include range time with an air rifle. Kids must be over 12 and accompanied by an adult. Adults are welcome too. Cost is $10, and all materials are included. Time is approximately 2 hours.
The best thing we can do for our sport is to introduce new shooters, especially the younger generation. Let's spread the word and get a good turnout!
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