General Categories > Laws and Legislation

Man Threatens to Sue over Ladies Night at Range

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Men could come, but unlike the women had to pay for range time. The guy threatened to sue under California law.

Tricky issue. I think a business should have the freedom to do this, but consider if it was reversed and men got to shoot free and women had to pay. There would be a huge outcry of gender discrimination.

Hey its California, all he has to do is identify as female. Problem solved.


--- Quote from: StuartJ on August 27, 2017, 07:39:05 PM ---Hey its California, all he has to do is identify as female. Problem solved.

--- End quote ---

Good point!


It's tempting to support the guy's lawsuit just because this is an example of a common double standard that turns white heterosexual men into second class citizens and creates a pecking order with us at the bottom.  But I'm guessing that neither the business nor the lady shooters are the reason for the other half of the double standard, since neither group seems likely to vote liberal (even though I'm sure there are exceptions), so this might not be the best place to take a stand.

The suggestion of self-identifying as a woman has merit.  Next time I'm in Walmart and have to pee really bad and the men's bathroom is being cleaned I might try that.

How is it any different than "Ladies Night" (e.g. no cover charge) at a local watering hole?


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