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Author Topic: Land for new deer hunter  (Read 3903 times)

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Land for new deer hunter
« on: October 30, 2018, 07:37:23 PM »
I'm a competition shooter, and not much of a hunter (rabbits and squirrels sometimes). My son (12 years old) wants to learn how to deer hunt. He's gone through Hunter safety, is getting a youth license and has invested a lot of his lawn cutting money into a rifle and some basic gear.

The one thing we don't have is a place to deer hunt. We are in Lincoln and I'm hoping someone might have some land they wouldn't mind us using one or two Saturdays this November for rifle season. I'd be willing to pay a fair price if necessary.

I'd look at public land, but I'm a little nervous about the "Yahoos" that seem to flock there and honestly I'm not super familiar with hunting ediquette when others are on the same land (other than don't shoot the humans  :o).

Anyway if anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.