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FNB Ends Relationship with NRA

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m morton:
i wished i banked with them .. lol i would be closing my accounts ...

I bank with them, including my home mortgage. I'm very displeased with them...with extreme prejudice, because it was through them I was also compromised by the Equifax hack and had to implement credit freezes with every stinking credit reporting company.

Does anyone have a suggestion for local banks I can talk to? I'd like to see about moving my home loan and checking accounts to someone else.

Wow. I just called to give them notice I'm displeased with their service lately, and how much I've become irritated with First National due to their NRA stance. The person I talked to said they have 175+ people sitting on hold right now waiting to talk to her. :-)

I told her I feel sorry for her, but not the bank...

Kurt K:

--- Quote from: RLMoeller on February 22, 2018, 02:48:27 PM ---The "customer feedback" was pressure from Think Progress Nebraska.    I suggested everyone that has a relationship with FNBO reconsider that relationship.

--- End quote ---
I'd also be willing to bet FNBO was deluged by Twitter and Facebook hate from a content farm.  A few guys and software can look like 300,000 angry people.  The company panics, announces the new inane policy, and wonders why customers (real ones) are closing out their accounts.  One study showed that perhaps 48 million Twitter accounts are fake.  Whatever the case, FNBO has sided with gun control, and I'm tempted to open an account just so that I can close it.

This is the bank that handles the credit cards for Scheels. I am no longer using it or shopping there, even though the store used to be one of my favorites.

I would suggest not judging Scheels yet - they haven't been given a real chance to respond to FNBO yet. 

btw - Kurt, your post made me chuckle ".. and I'm tempted to open an account just so that I can close it."

I do have a couple of 529 plans, not much in them.  I think I'll go through the trouble to close them both and let the FNBO reps know why. 
I to, wish I had some other FNBO accounts I could close!  We've been banking with Centris and SAC for most of my adult life (got to Omaha in the '80's USAF)


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