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Author Topic: "My parents just had their 47th Wedding anniversary, she wasnt going anywhere"  (Read 691 times)

Offline DanS

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Testimony before Congress. Luby's cafeteria slaughter in Texas, Oct 16, 1991. When will law makers  realize that public, gun free zones, are unconstitional, and immoral? Innocents die. Caution, if you watch all the way to the end, a vulgar word is used, not family, work place friendly.

Someone is cutting onions in the room, everytime I hear her say that about her parents.

« Last Edit: April 03, 2018, 05:41:48 PM by DanS »

Offline depserv

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This testimony before Congress makes very clear that anti-gun bigots are the ones with innocent blood on their hands, coming from someone who really was a victim of a mass murderer, unlike that little punk David Hogg.  But which one do our corrupt lawmakers listen to?
The liberal cult seeks destruction of the American Republic like water seeks low ground.