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Slide Fire ceasing operations May 20th

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--- Quote from: eelstrebor1 on April 18, 2018, 10:03:57 AM ---All it'll take is for one bad-apple to do a mass murder with one and we'll have to kiss those good bye also.

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I don’t think they’re going to wait for that excuse...

As I understand it, it hasn’t even been confirmed that the idiot in LV used a bump stock. He had at least one rifle equipped with one, but we just don’t know. I happen to think he probably did use it. I also happen to think a lot more people would likely have died he NOT used it.  But the people behind this push aren’t concerned with that, they’re just terrified at learning such a thing exists.


--- Quote from: eelstrebor1 on April 18, 2018, 10:03:57 AM ---IMHO, the ATF has already made it's decision and it appears to me that they have refuted all valid arguments. The ATF is determined to ban the bump-stock due to political pressure - especially from the POTUS. So, I'm not going to bother with making comments that parrot what others have already stated. IMO, lawsuits are going to have to be done - good luck with that. Anyway, I was considering buying a bump stock but I'm not going to do so. Also, this issue has convinced me not to purchase a binary trigger because I think they're next on the list. All it'll take is for one bad-apple to do a mass murder with one and we'll have to kiss those good bye also. Since it's not likely there'll be any compensation if/when they're banned, I'm not going to spend the money. A bump stock costs a little over $200 when you add shipping costs but the binary triggers run around $400 or more. I'm sure that other gun owners feel the same as I do so sales for these items are going to plummet. It's too bad that all of us are "punished" for the actions of one person that commits this type of crime - 1 person out of 100 million gun owners - that's approximately 0.000001% of gun owners. I was saddened over the loss of life and injury of the Las Vegas shooting but only that one person is responsible for the illicit use of a firearm. And that has been the only incident since the bump-stock was introduced. And who's to say that the LV shooting wouldn't have been just as deadly without a bump stock?

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You're exactly right, in fact I think we should just shut down the NFOA and hand in all our guns. No sense fighting for anything anymore.


--- Quote from: FarmerRick on April 18, 2018, 08:11:00 PM ---You're exactly right, in fact I think we should just shut down the NFOA and hand in all our guns. No sense fighting for anything anymore.
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I never said that and you and the other guy are letting your emotions get the better of you. If you read my post again, you'll see that I basically said that you're wasting your time with the comment period and that we should be looking at lawsuits now. Good luck with that. The Akin Accelerator ran into a similar problem where it was originally OK'd by the ATF but later the ATF did a 180 and changed their opinion that said it's a machine gun. A lawsuit was filed and Akin lost. But, it's possible that we can go to court and get the ATF action overturned in regards to the bump-stocks. I don't know if we can come up with enough bucks to challenge this in court but I wouldn't be averse to trying. I'd rather have a machine gun than a bump-stock or binary trigger though.


--- Quote from: eelstrebor1 on April 18, 2018, 09:52:27 PM ---I never said that and you and the other guy are letting your emotions get the better of you. If you read my post again, you'll see that I basically said that you're wasting your time with the comment period and that we should be looking at lawsuits now. Good luck with that. The Atkin Accelerator ran into a similar problem where it was originally OK'd by the ATF but later the ATF did a 180 and changed their opinion that said it's a machine gun. A lawsuit was filed and Atkin lost. But, it's possible that we can go to court and get the ATF action overturned in regards to the bump-stocks. I don't know if we can come up with enough bucks to challenge this in court but I wouldn't be averse to trying. I'd rather have a machine gun than a bump-stock or binary trigger though.

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Ok. Guess I missed read it. I'm all for a lawsuit, Nolo on arf is a lawyer and his firm is working on it now. it'll be interesting to say the least.


--- Quote from: RobertH on April 18, 2018, 02:38:23 PM ---you won't buy an accessory because they might be next banned?
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If it's probable that it'll be banned then I'll spend my money elsewhere. I can't afford to waste $400 for a binary trigger if I'm going to have to destroy it within 5 years. Besides, there's nowhere around here to fire a weapon that's so equipped.

--- Quote ---if you won't fight, who will?  the NRA?  ha!  they are one of the reasons we are in this mess.
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Your right about the NRA. I can't understand why they are telling the ATF that these should be regulated. The NRA certainly isn't being pro-2A on this issue. I wonder if they polled their 5 million members to get their opinions before making such a statement. If they did a poll mine must have been lost in the mail. I'll remember this the next time they ask for donations or when it comes time to renew my membership.

--- Quote ---i, for one, will fight.  whether its comments, lawsuits, voting, etc.  i will not stop.
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As I have already stated, I won't waste my time with the ATF comment period. I have written to Congress and my state legislator to express my opinion, also. I have even sent an e-mail to POTUS. None of them responded as to whether or not they support a ban. Since I got no definitive reply , I'm assuming that they're in support of the ban. I'll remember that in the next election. As for lawsuits, I'll contribute even though I'm a retiree. It would certainly help us if we had the backing of the NRA but in light of their public statements I'm not holding my breath.


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