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Author Topic: UNL Interesting read  (Read 1612 times)

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Re: UNL Interesting read
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2018, 12:30:33 PM »
It goes to show you that college and university professors should stick with facts instead of pushing how they think the world should be. It has been said many times that if someone thinks the United States is so bad, then they need to look at moving to other countries that could/would meet their needs.
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Re: UNL Interesting read
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2018, 01:37:10 PM »
Wow, that article was so left-wing biased, I had to tilt my head to read it.

The whole thing had lasted about 20 minutes and had made barely a ripple on campus. But thanks to a cellphone video, a web-savvy political organization, and a group of suggestible lawmakers, it soon sent shock waves across Nebraska.
So, lawmakers who are opposed to the leftist agenda are "suggestible"?

Mullen had volunteered as a foot soldier for Turning Point USA
You can bet that if she was working with a leftist organization, they'd never have called her a "foot soldier".

The group (Turning Point) ran a "Professor Watchlist," a sort of most-wanted list with the names of professors who have offended Turning Point by saying mean things about Republicans, speaking ill of capitalism, or teaching about white privilege — a concept that Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point, has called "a myth and a lie."
So, it's only about saying "mean things".  And note that they only say someone has called white privilege a myth.  The lefts favorite tactic if they want to downplay something, just pass it off as something "believed in" or "said by" someone.

The watchlist struck Lawton as McCarthyism. Some of the professors on the list had been harassed and threatened. Who was this young woman hawking Turning Point swag on her campus?
Her campus?  HER CAMPUS?!  Funny, it's our tax dollars that pay for it.  She doesn't own it!

When the professor arrived, though, she assumed Mullen was a student, not a professional operative.
Wait, so standing up for what you believe means you're NOT a student?

"I wanted her to know that I was not there to protest her, and I had no hard feelings toward her," Gailey says. "I was there to protest her organization."
Yeah, whatever Gailey.  If the roles were reversed, you can bet a counter-protesting "professor" wouldn't have got the kid gloves treatment if the student was a leftist.

I have to stop there, because the more I read, the more I get worked up.

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Re: UNL Interesting read
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2018, 02:51:00 PM »
One Big Missing Element Here is the fact that Amanda Gailey is the founder/organizer/leader of an anti-gun organization that she styles as Nebraskans Against Gun Violence (NAGV).   You can Google it.   And should.

The main NAGV mission, however, seems to actually be Nebraskans Against GUNS.  Period.   See, if there are no guns, then there will no longer be violence.   Because guns cause violence.   Yada-Yada-Yada.   By now, you've got the idea.  I'm uncertain as to just how many members are enrolled in NAGV.   Could be, it's just Amanda Gailey and a website.  But however large or small, NAGV is inimical to the interests of gun owners and The 2A.

NAGV is totally antithetical and oppositional to the NFOA.  We have an organization of some 8000 folks.  We could put some pressure on UNL and Hank Bounds by writing to the Board of Regents with copies to our own NE senators and to the three senators referenced in the article to show our support of their efforts.

And should.


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"What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms." - Thomas Jefferson


Offline depserv

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Re: UNL Interesting read
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2018, 09:27:08 AM »
One Big Missing Element Here is the fact that Amanda Gailey is the founder/organizer/leader of an anti-gun organization that she styles as Nebraskans Against Gun Violence (NAGV).   You can Google it.   And should.

The main NAGV mission, however, seems to actually be Nebraskans Against GUNS.  Period.   See, if there are no guns, then there will no longer be violence.   Because guns cause violence.   Yada-Yada-Yada.   By now, you've got the idea.  I'm uncertain as to just how many members are enrolled in NAGV.   Could be, it's just Amanda Gailey and a website.  But however large or small, NAGV is inimical to the interests of gun owners and The 2A.

NAGV is totally antithetical and oppositional to the NFOA.  We have an organization of some 8000 folks.  We could put some pressure on UNL and Hank Bounds by writing to the Board of Regents with copies to our own NE senators and to the three senators referenced in the article to show our support of their efforts.

And should.



I quoted this because it's one of those things that you read and then say you can say that again.

The indoctrination of our young is a really big deal.  It is a weapon of political, cultural, and religious war, being used systematically and ruthlessly by a very real enemy.  And that weapon has had a huge effect; it has seen much success. 

But we have the truth on our side and we have the numbers.  If we will only use them.  I wish I was a good organizer but I'm not.  The NFOA though is an already made organization.  Maybe we can find a way to use that organization to put a stop to the indoctrination.  And my guess is there are other patriot organizations in the state that would join with us.

One weakness common to patriots is that we are very much individuals, who just want to live our lives and let everyone else live theirs.  There is a strong tendency among us not to get involved in group activities.
 The enemy on the other hand is a herd animal, always ready to form a herd and all move the same way, and we have seen the power of the herd when it's led to stampede.  So what we need to do is contrary to our nature but it is necessary.  We have to stand together and stand strong to resist the herd. 

What this indoctrination does is increase the size and therefore the destructive power of the liberal herd.  If we don't stand against it now, it will be just that much harder to do so in the future, because its power will only grow.  Unless we stand together, and unite with other patriot groups, and stop the indoctrination.  I think we do have the power, if we will only use it.
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Re: UNL Interesting read
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2018, 11:21:49 AM »
Roger All That, Just Above.

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Offline eelstrebor1

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Re: UNL Interesting read
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2018, 01:22:32 PM »
Hopefully no one considers me to be OT here but my comments are related. Anyway, something needs to be done about the radical left in our colleges and universities. And it's not just about guns. Anything that the left doesn't like, they not only oppose our 2A right but they have been opposing our 1A right. A conservative group, guns or other agenda, can't go to a campus without violent protests. Conservatives and gun rights organizations have a right to free speech just as liberals do. So, what gives the liberals the right to deny our free speech and why do colleges and universities continue to allow this? The left may say that they're exercising their free speech but freedom of speech can't be used to justify denying any other free speech. I intend to write Congress and my state representative to complain about these leftist groups interfering with the conservative right to free speech. As the left tells us, there are no absolute rights. And they're right about that. Their rights end when they interfere with my rights. When my kids reach college age, I don't want them going to college and being bullied for conservative beliefs. Here is a recent example of the left stomping on a conservative group at the University of Denver: https://www.thecollegefix.com/post/44740/
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Re: UNL Interesting read
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2018, 04:47:27 PM »
Careful!!  Amanda is buds with Team Obama!  Remember, she was invited to the WH shortly after going on her infamous "F" The Police" rant a few years back.

She's a real sweetheart.  In an angry sort of way.
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Re: UNL Interesting read
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2018, 08:07:53 AM »
She's a real sweetheart.  In an angry sort of way.

It could be argued that some of the Girls can't live up to the level of academic responsibility often associated with PhD's.

They want to use their degrees and their academic positions to carry out hyperhormonal rants.
Then run back and hide behind the tenure shield.

Some day, they may grow up.
But then, Creedence Clearwater Revival has told us that Someday Never Comes.
Straight from the lips of John Fogerty.

Maybe They are eternal Peter Pans.

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Re: UNL Interesting read
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2018, 12:02:43 PM »

It could be argued that some of the Girls can't live up to the level of academic responsibility often associated with PhD's.

They want to use their degrees and their academic positions to carry out hyperhormonal rants.
Then run back and hide behind the tenure shield.

Some day, they may grow up.
But then, Creedence Clearwater Revival has told us that Someday Never Comes.
Straight from the lips of John Fogerty.

Maybe They are eternal Peter Pans.


If he's not already, SFG will be known some day as a great philosopher.  He's as good as we have around these parts.  Salute.

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Re: UNL Interesting read
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2018, 12:08:13 PM »

Very kind.
Thank you.

Certified Instructor:  NE CHP & NRA-Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Personal Protection Inside/Outside Home, Home Firearm Safety, RTBAV, Metallic Cartridge & Shotshell Reloading.  NRA Chief RSO, IDPA Safety Officer, USPSA Range Officer.  NRA RangeTechTeamAdvisor.  NE Hunter Education (F&B).   Glock Armorer