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Gun taken at Cabelas in Kearney

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The wording of this thread is somewhat misleading.

Gun taken at Cabelas in Kearney

The gun was not taken it was voluntarily relinquished and returned upon customer leaving the store.

Like the policy or not it is Private Property and subject to there policies.


--- Quote from: Dan W on February 04, 2010, 09:05:27 PM ---OK, this policy of Cabela's has been discussed before, and that is their stance. I don't like it , but I am firm believer in the rights of a property owner.

The right  to control who enters, and what they can do while they are on your property is not one I will ask somebody else to give up, when I would not give it up myself.

Cabela's does support carrying concealed, and we can work on getting them to allow open carry, but that is their choice, even though I  find it hypocritical to make a living off of firearms sales and at the same time restrict open carry of the same.

We can always choose not to buy from Cabela's until they change their mind


--- End quote ---

Now that was well put Dan.

I have no problem with their "No open carry" policy.  I do however have an issue with their employee making an egregious error in their statement. 

We don't need more misinformation out there.


   When I was at the La Vista Cabela's, manning the NFOA table with guys from the ENGC, I took a few minutes to talk to the gun check-in people. I asked specifically what happened to the signs outside that said that checking in guns didn't apply to concealed carry owners? They said their policy of only unloaded guns being handled in the store was being violated by people walking in with loaded rifles saying "It's OK, I have a CCW permit." So they took the signs down and allow concealed carry,but for safety's sake,require all visible guns to be unloaded and safety checked at the door.  This seems to me to be a prudent and fair way to balance rights to carry with safe gun handling. What if's are everywhere here. What if he wants to get a trade in appraisal of that gun? What if someone asks to see it over by the gun counter. The "I didn't know it was loaded" defense is a common one.   RJ

Rob B:
I'm going to get flamed here, but while I respect wishes of property owners, I feel once the business is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC,then laws of the state should apply,
if I have a permit, it is a permit, if you don't want my business,become an invitation only store.


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