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Preparedness Groups

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My family, for the most part, is similarly unprepared.

You could (re)read the Union Creek Journal to see how various groups might play out.

Of course, having written that book, I often get the, "I'm coming to your place when the SHTF."  Like shooter, I have criteria for entrance - items of value and abilities to contribute. I don't limit the abilities to manual labor, however.

Another tip: If you come to my house in town, you probably won't find me.

I told one co-worker that said "I'll be coming to your house": "Good, I'll probably be running low on food by then"   ;D


--- Quote from: jFader on June 04, 2018, 09:50:34 PM ---"I'm coming to your place when SHTF"...

I've heard that line enough at work that I quit talking about anything prepper related to most co workers.

--- End quote ---
Wise choice.

I've made some preparations but like some of my friends have said: it'll make you a target by the "have-nots" boy.

The question I like to ask preppers is "what, exactly, are you prepping for?".  There's a right and wrong answer to that question.  In the military, we called it the "postulated threat", the most likely thing that could happen to you that we would call "bad".  Then, you design your training, weapons, equipment, and procedures around that threat.  Sure, while a zombie apocalypse or alien invasion would be pretty bad, it's also not very likely, so why prep for that event?  A snowstorm in Nebraska, however, is very likely (at least it used to be), and could leave you isolated for an extended period of time.  Do you have enough food, water, power, provisions, etc. to survive until things get back to "normal"?  Are things prioritized?  How do you communicate with/get information from the outside world?


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