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Preparedness Groups

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My next-door neighbor is a very active, committed Mormon.

He does a great job of keeping me clued in on preparedness items, equipment, food, etc.

Suggestion:  Snuggle up to a Mormon.   They are Good Folks.  And their whole church system is deep into preparedness:  This World and The Next.  And you can Google all of their preparedness information that you want.   They don't mind at all.



when i lived in Lincoln, I had friends tell me this exact thing.  "i'm coming to your house."  well, if you come, who is following you or coming along?  what resources will you provide me or will you be a detriment?  now that i live somewhere else, i have a better/easier evac route.


--- Quote from: Atrus on June 04, 2018, 01:48:39 PM ---I've had this exact conversation with a coworker. People just make a mental note of who is preparing so they don't have to.

--- End quote ---

   the buy in for my place is 1 ton of food,   that will put most off,   well plus mabye 1,000 pounds of ammo , and the ability to work, and I mean Manual labor, lots of digging and stringing barbed wire,

 and as a hint, a 55 gallon barrel ( Plastic ) will hold about 350 pounds of wheat, I pack it in Argon,

"I'm coming to your place when SHTF"...

I've heard that line enough at work that I quit talking about anything prepper related to most co workers.

The problem is that the idea of preparedness has become associated with “end of the world” kookiness.  A few oddballs have given preparedness a bad name. They even have their own tacky, reality TV shows (reality TV being the modern equivalent of side show freaks.)

The site has some good resource and preparedness tips from everything to everyday weather events, to nuclear explosions.


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