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Author Topic: AAR: Combative Handgun Solutions @ LHGK in Council Bluffs, IA  (Read 3505 times)

Offline R.Schoening

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AAR: Combative Handgun Solutions @ LHGK in Council Bluffs, IA
« on: August 04, 2018, 05:10:02 PM »
After Action Report: Combative Handgun Solutions with Lane Gries

5W's and 1H
• Who: Lane Gries of Bastion Black Performance
• What: Combative Handgun Solutions
• When: July 21st, 2018
• Where: Council Bluffs, IA @ LHGK
• Why:  Solutions to Threats Inside Your Reactionary Gap.
• How: Lecture, Demonstration and Hands On

• Lane Gries, Bastion Black Performance: www.bastionblackperformance.com
• Military Experience: USMC 0311 Combat Veteran - Operation Iraqi Freedom II and III
• Competition Experience: USPSA Grand Master
• Active BJJ and Submission Wrestling Competitor 
• Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coach

• Numbers: 7, all Male
• States Represented: Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota
• Backgrounds: Civilians, LE, and Former / Current DotMIL
• Ages: 15 - Mid 40's
• Almost perfect with a mix of sunny skies and cloud cover, temps in the 80's, slight breeze. 

We started the day off with lecture covering the ins and outs of how the day was formatted, where we would begin, and how we were going to attack the class. In addition to the standard briefs that you would expect from a force on force class, we also covered how to maximize the day and how to make changes in our daily lives to get better and be safer...this wasn't all about shooting, it was about winning the fight, and that looks really different from what some may think, especially in a class such as this.   

Lecture Topics: 
• Instructor and Student Introductions
• Course Content, Background, Development - Handgun and Fighting Fundamentals
• Class Guidance and "How To's"
• Firearms Safety Rules, Range Brief, Medical Plan, Target Brief

Following the Lecture it was onto Handgun, we started with a diagnosis by Lane to evaluate everyone safety and fundamentals wise. That was followed by lots and lots of holster work and personal attention on how to polish up what we brought with us to class presentation and fundamentals wise. Sighted versus Aimed fire was next, then "Combative" Draws and movement. We finished up with Retention and Contact shooting and then ran one last drill prior to lunch to earn a shirt...fastest presentation from the holster with a hit into a 3X5 card at 5 yards, the fastest being a 1.34 from a duty rig with retention devices in place.  Lane provided tons of feedback, individual attention, discussion points and tips on how to get faster while staying accurate throughout this block...it pushed everyone!

Handgun Topics:
• Presentation from the Holster: Concealment, OWB and Duty Rigs.
• Cover Garments and Working Through Potential Problems
• Follow Through and Multiple Shots
• Sighted Fire vs Aimed Fire - Whys and Hows
• Combative Draws - Movement: Backwards and Laterally
• Shooting from Retention
• Contact Shooting

Combatives and Evos
Lunch was at the local watering hole, then onto the Fighting Fundamentals. The Combatives block began with lecture on objectives, goals, how to be a good training partner, training resistance, rotation of partners, and a breakdown of the fundamentals.  Lane managed this block like he did the handgun block with discussion, demos and further discussion as needed. Lane introduced a topic, demo it, we would practice and refine it, we would then move the next one, and rotate training partners. Breaks were a little more frequent through this block as the temps had increased over what we had in the morning and the increased physical activity was more taxing. There were no magic tricks when it came to winning the fight in this one and Lane's insight into how and why / why not to use these techniques was practical and highly valuable.

We finished the day with force on force evolutions that featured either a fellow student or Lane as an opponent. Weapons were simulated striking tools  or knives with the good guy using an airsoft pistol. These were conducted as "hood drills" meaning the "good guy" would start the evolution with his head covered by a towel to conceal what was going on around him, once the hood was lifted it was game on. Following each evolution we would debrief with Lane and the other students providing insight into what we did and how we could possible tweak the same Evo. All the Evos, whether you were the good guy, bad guy or simply watching were Challenging, Rewarding, and Educational!

Combative Topics:
• Goals / Objectives
• How to be a Good Training Partner
• Circling
• Inside Hand Position and Hand Fighting
• Head Position
• Frames / Posts
• Ties: Collar, Elbow, Wrist
• Underhooks / Overhooks
• Drags / Redirects

Personal Thoughts
This was my 7th combatives based force on force course, second with Lane and as I expected I picked up lots of things I can continue to tweak. Like the others I've attended, there is lots to process and it's tough to put things together when you are getting punched in the face...always SUPER challenging  and BEYOND valuable. While I pulled lots from each and every block, one of the biggest things I walked away with is Lane's encouragement to experiment and dismantle what I bring to the gunfight in an attempt to truly get better. Likewise, his encouragement on how to look at problems and solutions is one that I find extremely beneficial...situation dictates, do something, now!   

To close out, This is one of those courses that I feel is a must take for anyone that truly takes personal defense seriously. I fully understand that this type of course is outside most's comfort zone, I can say that it can be a life changing event that will have you reevaluating what you do and how you do it... mentally and physically...this is an audit! Now, my 15 year old son attended this one with me, he participated in all events to include the Evos. He was super intimidated going into it as it was his first time attending a handgun class with someone other than me teaching, he has zero fighting background other than being knocked around on the football field a couple of times...it was cool to watch his progression and growth from attending this one and he told me multiple times that he not only learned a bunch, but also had lots of fun! So, if a 15 year old that can't carry a pistol for work or personal defense can jump into a combatives based force on force class, how valid is your excuse and should you reevaluate your training priorities?

V/r - Rob

Offline m morton

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Re: AAR: Combative Handgun Solutions @ LHGK in Council Bluffs, IA
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2018, 09:27:55 PM »
today is 8/4/2018 your class is posted for:  When: July 21st, 2018  that was a few weeks ago..
and i did not see a cost posted looks like a few edits are needed
I will allow myself one personal observation. If you want to disarm yourself, that is your choice. The following quote is a favorite of mine and something to keep in mind when you make that choice.

“Sheep don’t tell wolves what’s for dinner.”

Offline LJUnaTIC

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Re: AAR: Combative Handgun Solutions @ LHGK in Council Bluffs, IA
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2018, 12:12:59 AM »
AAR means after action report
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! - I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" - Patrick Henry

Offline m morton

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Re: AAR: Combative Handgun Solutions @ LHGK in Council Bluffs, IA
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2018, 10:31:55 AM »
thought this was info on a upcoming class.  :P with the wrong date posted . posting while sleepy  ;D
I will allow myself one personal observation. If you want to disarm yourself, that is your choice. The following quote is a favorite of mine and something to keep in mind when you make that choice.

“Sheep don’t tell wolves what’s for dinner.”