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Trap Team at Lincoln East Highschool

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We have our first freshman highschooler (how did this happen -- they were babies yesterday!) and he's interested in Trap, but we can't find any info from the school about a team, club, or intramural team. Maybe we haven't looked into he right place...

Does anyone have a contact?

Also, does anyone here give lessons? I'm a pistol shooter myself and I'm inexperienced with the shotgun sports. I don't want to teach bad/wrong habits.


Looks like they do.... a google search brought up this newsletter, linked below.  I'd give the school a call on some day other than today.   :laugh:  (First day of high school.)   

Once you finally get put in touch with someone who knows someone who knows the coach, they would probably be the best to give you their expert ideas on pre-season coaching.    If your boy didn't do it in Junior High then the coach would probably appreciate a little catching up.  Season starts in March so you've got some time.   

Lincoln East probably practices at LT&S but you're free to come join my boys and me at Lincoln Ikes some weekend this fall.  Non members can shoot as guests for $5 a round of trap.  Once the weather gets nicer we'll probably be spending a fair amount of time out there except during Sunday church hours and Saturday football hours.  I'm no coach but grew up with a shotgun in my hand pretty much straight out of the womb, and know enough to get him started shooting for fun without instilling any bad habits.  And most any coach will tell you that "trigger time" of any sort is a good thing -- even another shotgun sport.  Shooting skeet will help a trap shooter to learn to lead.  Shooting trap will help a skeeter improve concentration.  Etc. etc.

PM if interested.

Also, this is an oldie but a goodie....

The hold points may be a little different than what each shooter prefers, but close enough to get started.

Looks like this club borrowed some of the same visuals and made a good page out of them.

@ILoveCats, thanks for the info. I'll see if we can get a hold of someone.


--- Quote from: whatsit on August 14, 2018, 08:29:51 PM ---@ILoveCats, thanks for the info. I'll see if we can get a hold of someone.

--- End quote ---
That guy is living it now, I'd listen to him. 


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