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I'm interested in doing a little bullet testing.......

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I also own a Chronograph.

Cathy, is there someplace around here I can get less than an entire case of those?  I asked about them at Guns Unlimited and Cabela's, and they said they would be happy to order me a CASE, but not one box.   A certain gushop proprietor in Auburn promised to order a box for me, but has not followed through, despite repeated inquiries...... I am not real interested in buying a whole bunch of (really spendy) shells for my one and only 9mm only to find out that they don't work well in it..........

Sorry I didn't get back to this thread sooner.  Ammunition To Go is where I order mine.

'cate...... they list a box of those for about 20 bucks...... what does S&H/Hazmat fees amount to?


--- Quote from: JimP on January 10, 2009, 07:23:53 PM ---'cate...... they list a box of those for about 20 bucks...... what does S&H/Hazmat fees amount to?

--- End quote ---

No hazmat fees on Ammunition only Powder and Primers.

Anyway that is how Midway USA is.


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