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Coalition wants safe gun storage ordinance in Lincoln

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 "Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
- Daniel Webster

That site doesn't like my ad blocker either.

I'm definitely getting off work early, so I can make it there and ensure my voice is heard.  I've already made arrangements with my boss.

Didn't the Heller decision strike down storage requirements?  The city may be setting themselves up for a big lawsuit.


--- Quote from: bkoenig on September 23, 2018, 09:55:27 AM ---Didn't the Heller decision strike down storage requirements?  The city may be setting themselves up for a big lawsuit.

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To be fair, this is just a group speaking at the council to propose a measure, it's not a measure being voted on by the council.

--- Quote ---A coalition of Lincoln residents who believe the city should require gun owners to responsibly store their guns in their homes will bring their case to the Lincoln City Council later this month.
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The idiots actually believe that being forced to store your guns in a safe, means it won't impact your safety.

--- Quote ---There's no evidence to indicate safe-storage laws impact a gun owner's ability to use their gun at home, {Amanda Gailey, president of Nebraskans Against Gun Violence} said.
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Apparently, there's several examples of so-called "safe storage" laws according to the Urinal Star article.

--- Quote ---Massachusetts is the only state that mandates all guns be locked up. Other states require a firearm be locked up if its owner lives with someone not allowed to possess a gun, and some states have negligent storage laws, which make parents criminally liable for crimes committed with firearms by their children.

This summer, Seattle passed a safe-storage ordinance that requires guns be kept in a locked container. The National Rifle Association has filed a lawsuit to block the ordinance.
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KLIN radio’s Coby Mach just posted on Facebook, “Testifiers wanting a gun safe storage law have overwhelmed those opposed. So far only 2 who oppose. Planned parenthood supports the law -says guns are a reproductive health issue.”


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