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Cyndi Lamm is running for Lincoln Mayor

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--- Quote from: LJUnaTIC on October 21, 2018, 04:16:57 PM ---With a liberal majority and mayor in the way, any direct attack has failed before it begins, so other methods  are used to try and move the needle to the right. Not saying it is good or bad...but until we swing the balance of power to our liking we are not going to prevail outside of a court challenge, which BTW has recently been going in our favor versus Lincoln's overreaching gun possession ordinance cebacle.

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Two steps toward the Consitution and one step back is better than NO steps toward the Constitution.


--- Quote from: LJUnaTIC on October 21, 2018, 04:06:15 PM ---This is inside baseball stuff, but in order to bring a motion to reconsider a vote you must have voted for the ordinance and my sources say the plan is (was?) to bring it back up at some point...but there has been no recent action on this as far as I know.

Anyway that is my opinion on why the vote was unanimous.

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Interesting synopsis. 

I'm not wild about her, but she'd certainly be better than our current mayor. 

On a side note, Beutler is a dope.  He and the Governor both spoke at our company when we opened up a new office.  Beutler couldn't be bothered to figure out how to pronounce the names of our founders or to even get the name of the company correct (it's not a hard one).  He acted like he couldn't have cared less whether he was there.  Ricketts did a great job and actually gave the impression that he was glad to be part of the event.


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