General Categories > Laws and Legislation

Bump Stock Ban

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Range Mom:
The Justice Department has amended the regulations of the ATF to designate bump-stock-type devices as "machine guns".

New rule will be published this week and will take effect 90 days afterwards. Individuals will have 90 days to either turn them in to authorities or destroy them.

hold on now... before you dump your bump stocks.... there will be lawsuits.  just wait.

It's a wasted attempt at trying to prevent bump fire. This is purely a political move since few people realize that it doesn't promote safety. But, too many stupid/uninformed people around to realize that.

The danger in this is the precedent set. The ATF should not be allowed to rewrite the law defining machine guns to include a trigger technique that still requires the trigger to be pulled once per shot, which does not meet the stautory definition of a machine gun.

If the rule stands, there is nothing to prevent future abuse to include semi auto fire in the same manner using a rule change.

I strongly support efforts to over turn this ruling in the courts and am donating to GOA and SAF today.

From what I have read/seen. The GOA, FICG, Adam Kraut and arfcom's Nolo have or will file lawsuits.


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