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Liberal Gun Club

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--- Quote from: greg58 on January 01, 2019, 10:18:00 AM ---Then he will say something silly like, why do you need a semi-auto with a high capacity magazine anyway?
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Next time he says something like that, ask him why he gets to decide what's best for you and why you aren't permitted to decide for yourself.

Having this discussion is the reason I posted this story.  Myself, being in a trade union and having clients not at all comfortable with firearms ask me some of these same questions. I also know many people who hunt that see no need for the EBR and "High Capacity" "Clips" (I always make a gentle correction after that/those statements) I suppose I'm lucky to have folks of that ilk in my network that do ask, it gives me an opportunity to have that conversation without raising blood pressure or resorting to name calling.  We actually do have have some influence over those who'll listen when all they get in the Media 24/7 is guns are da debil. 

The NFOA is an association founded and managed upon the idea that the rights acknowledged by the Second Amendment of the United States are for all people, not just those who have the same belief system as any one of us does. As such we promote the ownership and enjoyment of firearms for all.

I appreciate the fact that we do have members who are gun-loving people but are of a more liberal belief. I hope we can get more of them to speak out because, although I am very "gun-first" when decisions regarding my rights come up, I want to always be open to listening to other people opinions and learn from the discussion. Regardless of what others may say... I am not always right.

 I would ask Atrus to please take the time to speak with the members of the Board of Directors to help us reach out to others who don't agree with us politically but do believe that the Second Amendment is real. We want and need your input to make a difference in this state.


--- Quote from: Jito463 on January 01, 2019, 11:05:47 AM ---Next time he says something like that, ask him why he gets to decide what's best for you and why you aren't permitted to decide for yourself.

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You know it's funny, by the time he gets that lathered up he is foaming at the mouth. So I just walk away...
He tells me he is an Environmental voter, he goes so far as to release mice that his cat catches in his house, and he cuts up 6 pack rings so they don't strangle baby ducks.
If we avoid politics, he is the greatest guy to work with!



--- Quote from: greg58 on January 01, 2019, 10:18:00 AM ---he will say something silly like, why do you need a semi-auto with a high capacity magazine anyway? .... The thought of holding a CHP, carrying in public, or using a firearm to protect ones self or family is totally alien to him. I tell him he is a Sheeple, and I'm sure he things I'm a Wacko.

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People like him are resolutely in denial about the evil in the world and the force required to keep it from harming innocent victims. The country is safe enough that most of them get away with it. When it's forced on them, you hear them whimpering on television news, "I never thought it could happen here." One would think that, after "it" happens in places indistinguishable from "here", they would realize they aren't immune.


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