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Annual Gun Control Scorecard


State gun control laws graded by Gifford’s as reported by The Truth About Guns (so you don’t have to go to Gifford web site). Disappointed that Nebraska is only a C- instead of a F.


--- Quote from: penname on February 11, 2019, 05:49:09 PM ---State gun control laws graded by Gifford’s as reported by The Truth About Guns (so you don’t have to go to Gifford web site). Disappointed that Nebraska is only a C- instead of a F.

--- End quote ---
If I were to rate us I would say we are a C- at this point. Unfortunately, we were out all night drinking, finals are today (February 28th), we are sooo hung-over, and we have been putting off studying all semester.

We are currently better off than most of the upper east coast states, but with the legislature currently being held but a bunch of anti-gun activists instead of representatives of the people we are facing a hard fight.

Put on a pot of coffee boys and girls, we have some work to do.


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