The prospects for continued success at the "New" Take Aim are quite favorable if the new owners/managers follow a few basic proven business practices. Every year at the annual NRA Range Conference, the point is made to range operators that an indoor commercial range cannot survive solely on the rental of range time.
In general, an indoor commercial range derives 1/3 of its gross revenue from range time sales and 2/3 of its revenue from everything else: firearms sales and rentals, ammunition sales, firearms transfers, shooting accessories, gear, clothing, training, etc., etc. The front end of the store must carry most of the load.
For the most part, Take Aim chose not to be involved in these areas of business opportunity. The consequences were inevitable. Conversations with the original Take Aim owner always indicated that he was dead-set against serving his potentially most lucrative opportunity areas. This limited approach was used as the basic business model for the now-failed Take Aim project. Consequently, the business was doomed to fail from Day One. Which was and is a pity.
Geographically, the "New" Take Aim range is naturally located to serve all of south Omaha, Bellevue, Plattsmouth, and Sarpy County. The facility location in an established commercial location is strategically sound. MyThink is that the new owners will prosper and Shooting Sports to the immediate south of Omaha will benefit.