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Musings of an old man ....

Does it bother anyone else that the NFOA FB page has just under 20,000 "Likes", yet we commonly have less than 100 in attendance at our annual meeting, and less than a half dozen who show up at any state or local gun legislation hearings? 

More musing of an equally old man.........Apathy indeed.  "We must all hang together, or assuredly hang separately" Ben Franklin.

when is this years Annual meeting?

(ill get to my point after a reply)

We are planning it for September.  Feel free to suggest a location. 

IMHO.... the annual meeting needs to be finalized several months in advance, not a couple of weeks.  they need to know this in advance instead of knowing just a few weeks ahead.  plus its already July.  if its in Sept, it should have been finalized months ago.  when its finalized it leads to people allowing to be prepared and to advertise (meaning social media posts and paid avenues).

in the summer you are battling family trips, baseball, holidays, weddings, vacations and shooting events.  after the summer you are battling Husker football and high school.  it needs to be a winter project.

basically, i've always said we need to get our members meeting finalized months in advance and in the winter.

is there any way we could have the members meeting associated with something else like a gun show, Zombies in the Heartland (yes i know its June) or some other attraction?

but its just my opinion.


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