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Author Topic: Everything you're not supposed to know about suppressors  (Read 7916 times)

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Everything you're not supposed to know about suppressors
« on: July 14, 2019, 12:34:33 AM »
Very good video if you will take the time to watch...

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Re: Everything you're not supposed to know about suppressors
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2019, 03:39:36 AM »
extremely good video..
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Re: Everything you're not supposed to know about suppressors
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2019, 06:08:59 AM »
Worth taking the time to watch.

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Re: Everything you're not supposed to know about suppressors
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2019, 09:27:31 AM »
Good video.

And we were so close to getting the hearing protection bill passed.  :(

Offline eelstrebor1

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Re: Everything you're not supposed to know about suppressors
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2019, 09:47:58 PM »
I thought about getting one but it's ridiculous to have to wait a year to get ATF approval. I'll do without until it's removed from the NFA list. If that ever happens I'm sure that the cost will plummet.
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Re: Everything you're not supposed to know about suppressors
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2019, 11:48:49 PM »
you can make yourown, on a form1, im told wait is less than a month if filed online. you can get a solvent trap kit. and only have to drill a few holes after you get your stamp.
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Re: Everything you're not supposed to know about suppressors
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2019, 10:43:19 PM »
you can make yourown, on a form1, im told wait is less than a month if filed online. you can get a solvent trap kit. and only have to drill a few holes after you get your stamp.

Do I need to submit a Form 1 prior to buying a solvent trap kit?
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Re: Everything you're not supposed to know about suppressors
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2020, 09:15:12 AM »
Do I need to submit a Form 1 prior to buying a solvent trap kit?

you'll need the specs before filing.  i would look for a 80% suppressor.
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Re: Everything you're not supposed to know about suppressors
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2020, 10:25:16 PM »
and the solvent trap kits, are only to be used with pistols, they are no way near enough for rifle rounds,  aluminum is good enough for a pistol tube, but rifles, need either stainless steel. or Titanium,
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Re: Everything you're not supposed to know about suppressors
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2021, 01:18:35 PM »
You can buy a solvent trap kit without a Form1,just don't drill any holes until approved.                                                                            You don't need to send the BATF any actual  specs except length and caliber.                                                                                           Lots of kits out there with parts other than aluminum[SS and titanium],I wouldn't use aluminum for a 22 can just because it's too hard to clean.

Offline eelstrebor1

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Re: Everything you're not supposed to know about suppressors
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2021, 10:35:29 AM »
and the solvent trap kits, are only to be used with pistols, they are no way near enough for rifle rounds,  aluminum is good enough for a pistol tube, but rifles, need either stainless steel. or Titanium,

I just bought an AR Pistol that is capable of being silenced. Would the solvent trap kit be OK for this even though it uses a 5.56 rifle round? I've been told that the AR Pistol is noisier than a "regular" handgun or a rifle so a silencer would be a good addition. I haven't gone to the range with it yet. Heh, do I go to the pistol range or rifle range? I'll have to check with the indoor range to see if it's OK to practice there. They don't allow AR15's in the indoor range. Anyway, I would prefer to get a factory made silencer but they sure are pricey and having to wait "forever" for ATF approval is a bit of a deterrent. Also, I've heard that you can use an oil filter for a suppressor. It seems that it would be difficult to spec an oil filter on the form 1 if you want to try different oil filters. By the way, why aren't silencers quieter? In order words, why is the noise level still in the danger zone?
« Last Edit: January 15, 2021, 11:16:23 AM by eelstrebor1 »
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Re: Everything you're not supposed to know about suppressors
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2021, 11:21:59 AM »
I just bought an AR Pistol that is capable of being silenced. Would the solvent trap kit be OK for this even though it uses a 5.56 rifle round? I've been told that the AR Pistol is noisier than a "regular" handgun or a rifle so a silencer would be a good addition. I haven't gone to the range with it yet. Heh, do I go to the pistol range or rifle range? I'll have to check with the indoor range to see if it's OK to practice there. They don't allow AR15's in the indoor range. Anyway, I would prefer to get a factory made silencer but they sure are pricey and having to wait "forever" for ATF approval is a bit of a deterrent. Also, I've heard that you can use an oil filter for a suppressor. It seems that it would be difficult to spec an oil filter on the form 1 if you want to try different oil filters. By the way, why aren't silencers quieter? In order words, why is the noise level still in the danger zone?

ok, lots going on here.  i'll try my best to answer your questions...

for the AR pistol, you use the rifle range if you are using a centerfire rifle round, use the pistol range if your caliber is a pistol caliber.

as for solvent kits.... they are like 80% firearms.  they do not have the holes needed for a bullet to pass through.  you have to file and get approval of your Form 1 before starting any drilling.

as for a normal suppressor.... you go to a special FFL and buy a suppressor.  you pay purchase price, sales tax and $200 NFA tax.  you do not take possession of suppressor until the Form 4 comes back to the dealer and fill out a 4473.  i would suggest buying a can that is in stock and have your trust, fingerprints and other paperwork ready to go.

oil filter suppressors are illegal, unless correctly registered with the ATF.  IMO they are not good at all and don't last very long.

finally, suppressors suppress the noise, but do not silence it.  this isn't the movies, its real life.  you will probably still need ear plugs.  the best suppressed caliber is probably 22LR out of a 4.5" barrel.
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Re: Everything you're not supposed to know about suppressors
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2021, 10:38:14 AM »
as for a normal suppressor.... you go to a special FFL and buy a suppressor.  you pay purchase price, sales tax and $200 NFA tax.  you do not take possession of suppressor until the Form 4 comes back to the dealer and fill out a 4473.  i would suggest buying a can that is in stock and have your trust, fingerprints and other paperwork ready to go.

I might do that. I think the nearest dealer is in Fort Collins (last time I checked). Anyway, I'm not too thrilled with having to wait 8 months to a year to get a factory built one. I might try building a silencer but I've heard that YouTube doesn't allow tutorials like that. Maybe some other platform does.

finally, suppressors suppress the noise, but do not silence it.  this isn't the movies, its real life.  you will probably still need ear plugs.  the best suppressed caliber is probably 22LR out of a 4.5" barrel.

Too bad it isn't like in the movies. Is there a legal reason why a suppressor can't be built that gets the noise level below the "danger zone" so that hearing protection isn't needed? Is it a "state of technology" issue or is it that the NFA that caused lack of innovation?  Silencing a gun may be great to reduce annoying ones neighbors but if that's all they're good for then why buy them since you have to wear hearing protection anyway? I don't think the video provided by the OP addressed that issue. Maybe "Full30" has some stuff on this.
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Offline RobertH

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Re: Everything you're not supposed to know about suppressors
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2021, 09:33:56 PM »
I might do that. I think the nearest dealer is in Fort Collins (last time I checked). Anyway, I'm not too thrilled with having to wait 8 months to a year to get a factory built one. I might try building a silencer but I've heard that YouTube doesn't allow tutorials like that. Maybe some other platform does.

Too bad it isn't like in the movies. Is there a legal reason why a suppressor can't be built that gets the noise level below the "danger zone" so that hearing protection isn't needed? Is it a "state of technology" issue or is it that the NFA that caused lack of innovation?  Silencing a gun may be great to reduce annoying ones neighbors but if that's all they're good for then why buy them since you have to wear hearing protection anyway? I don't think the video provided by the OP addressed that issue. Maybe "Full30" has some stuff on this.

You might find stuff on youtube to build a F1 can. If not AR15.com has a lot of info. It's not rocket science if you buy a kit. Just drill it with concentricity and you'll be fine.

The reason most calibers are not ear safe is because the bullet breaking the sound barrier is what hurts your ears. That's why a sub sonic 22 is the best suppressed caliber, IMO.
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I would use this company
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2021, 11:49:20 PM »
They are not pretending they are making solvent traps or oil filters for your Toyota, they are making silencer kits for you to finish.

Quality product, Quality people.  https://www.quietbore.com/
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