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Author Topic: Texas Governor Greg Abbott Signs Eight Executive Orders Following Shootings  (Read 930 times)

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Texas is caving in?


Although I am not 100% against the orders outlined, I am really disappointed that the fact that these shootings happen in gun-free zones was completely ignored, yet again.

Please join me in emailing this Governor of Texas. https://gov.texas.gov/apps/contact/opinion.aspx

We may not be residents of Texas, but our opinions matter. If you know people in Texas, encourage them to talk to their Governor before this goes too far.

P.O. Box 12428
Austin Texas 78711

Phone: (512) 463-2000

Great article about gun free zones: https://spectator.org/mass-shootings-in-gun-free-zones/

My message:
Governor Abbott,

As an American, I care about my fellow citizens no matter what state the reside in. I have family and friends in Texas and in other states as well.
Please consider one thing that you left out of your recent 8 Executive Orders about guns.
Most public shootings involving more than 1 victim are located in gun free zones. Please be careful not to let Texas fall into unconstitutional territory.
Please read this article: https://spectator.org/mass-shootings-in-gun-free-zones/

The shooting in El Paso was in Simon Mall property's GUN FREE ZONE;
The Las Vegas shooter shot out of the window of Mandalay Bay's GUN FREE ZONE;
The Aurora shooter killed people in a theater that was a GUN FREE ZONE;
The many school shootings were in GUN FREE ZONES;
The many house of worship shootings were in GUN FREE ZONES;
The Virginia Beach shooting was in a building where for employees, it was a GUN FREE ZONE, etc...

The list goes on, but the common denominator is that these areas restricted law abiding citizens from being able to defend themselves.
Criminals know where to go to find defenseless victims... (GUN FREE ZONES)

There are already so many restrictions on gun ownership as it is, adding more laws only hurts those who follow them.
Red flag laws are the next frontier, then confiscation. Many anti-gun advocates are unfamiliar with the realities of gun ownership. They are not aware of the regulations already in place, they just want more restrictions until there is nothing left to restrict.

Please consider this as gun control activists attempt to push for more and more restrictions that only affect law abiding citizens and do not address the underlying issues of societal moral decline.

God bless.
"...and let him who has no sword sell his tunic and buy one."
                         ~Jesus to the Apostles (Luke 22:36)


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