General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

Huskergun's new video on his "guns".

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Huskergun is kind of modest, so he asked me to post his new video on using your guns. Huskergun has been making a few videos and you can find more after viewing him here.

Thanks Huskergun for making that video. I think we need you to do some for the NFOA now.

Looks like he cut his hair and gained quite a bit of weight. 

He's a little bit more mellow in that video as well.



Thanks for posting that, I have made a few other videos also.

You guys have any ideas for my next video?

Maybe one about my abs?


Just an FYI to everyone. Scott keeps changing what I post. The above are not my words

Gosh, I'm glad someone put Huskergun's video on here. 

Finally got to see what he looks like! ;D

Some people never learn.


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