General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

Huskergun's new video on his "guns".

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It's all clear now.

Yes.   That video up above is the original Huskergun opus magnum.   All Newbie NFOA Forum Members should have to enter into NFOA through that viewing portal, such to discover the unique mindset and nature of the New Folks with whom they will now be associating.

Huskerguns' works are way up there in the same classic league as Gone With the Wind, Lawrence of Arabia, Shane, and Casablanca,  among the Other Great Ones.   Like a great wine with a wispy hint of crisp oak, the video has overtones reminiscent of Joe Dirt [one of my personal favorites, to the deep chagrin of Mrs. sfg.]

An Everlasting Classic.   The Video.   And.......Our Huskergun.


Somehow I feel this belongs here:

Being Ex-Military it begs me to ask ....which Gun was he playing with ?  ;D :laugh:

But really Stripes ? .....guess it's better then Pink Bunny's unless those were his wife's Briefs ?

 :laugh:That's funny!!  They just don't make pants like they use to anymore. :laugh:

In the honor of ... I present a pic.

As an aside: check which side of the spice dispenser you're opening (face palm).  I should have just rinsed the steak off and started over heh.


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