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Author Topic: New-Year-brings-new-gun-restrictions-to-Offutt-Air-Force-Base  (Read 3784 times)

Offline m morton

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« on: December 31, 2019, 08:50:20 PM »

OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, Bellevue, Neb. (WOWT) -- The New Year is bringing a change in policy that's not going over well at Offutt Air Force Base. It has to do with bringing privately owned firearms onto base property.

In a couple days a gun policy changes at Offutt. For the past year, if you had a Concealed Carry permit and a Department of Defense ID, you could keep your personal firearm locked in the car when you came to the base.

The 55th Wing Commander will prohibit that practice as of January 2 so you won't even be able to bring your personal firearm on site. If you do, you'll need to check it at the gate.

The commander says it’s reflective of the full confidence of the 55th security forces to protect the base and keep control of all other firearms.

Since the announcement on Monday, more than 600 comments have been made to Offutt's Facebook page. The majority, upset with the policy and wondering what the real reason is.

Recently retired Airman Robert Anthony Sr. explained it this way: "The laws of Nebraska allow me to pull up to a school and lock my gun in the car and go in. Many places allow us to do it. Why not at the base? Especially a military member like myself where they trust me with national secrets and security and trust me being armed but not with my own personal protection to and from the base. I find that hypocritical."
I will allow myself one personal observation. If you want to disarm yourself, that is your choice. The following quote is a favorite of mine and something to keep in mind when you make that choice.

“Sheep don’t tell wolves what’s for dinner.”

Offline bullit

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Re: New-Year-brings-new-gun-restrictions-to-Offutt-Air-Force-Base
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2020, 08:17:24 AM »
Certainly expect the murder rate by Concealed Carry folks to decrease since enacted a year ago.  ;)

Offline Greybeard

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Re: New-Year-brings-new-gun-restrictions-to-Offutt-Air-Force-Base
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2020, 11:16:46 PM »
Perhaps it is time for me, and folks like me, to correspond with the Division, Numbered Air Force and Major Air Command Commanders regarding this decision. The security of the base was never in the hands of the concealed carry permit holders, we were never tasked as backup for the Security Forces folks. The decision to allow us to bring our firearms on the base was a convenience to us and allowed us security between the base and home. Perhaps Colonel Marks will realize his mistake and rethink his decision!

Offline m morton

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Re: New-Year-brings-new-gun-restrictions-to-Offutt-Air-Force-Base
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2020, 09:50:37 AM »
bump , new policy starts today.

"you could keep your personal firearm locked in the car when you came to the base. The 55th Wing Commander will prohibit that practice as of January 2 "2020" so you won't even be able to bring your personal firearm on site. If you do, you'll need to check it at the gate."

the story said we can check our guns at the gate  , did not say what gate ? main gate with all the flags or the other far south gate, or what kind of storage they have. IE guns sits on top of a desk next to the coffee pot , or tossed in a wire basket .. or in a gun safe at the gate , or we have to park and go inside that building to the right where ID's get made ?

i figure this ^ policy will change again after a AD happens with all the handling of firearms while checking in / retrieving firearms at the gate ??  some ones shirt is bound to get inside a holster and bunch up next to the trigger and go bang.
I will allow myself one personal observation. If you want to disarm yourself, that is your choice. The following quote is a favorite of mine and something to keep in mind when you make that choice.

“Sheep don’t tell wolves what’s for dinner.”