Learn the best practices in classroom and range instruction... Become a credentialed instructor with the United States Concealed Carry Association! Not only will this instructor credential open up multiple curriculums you can teach to assist your students in being responsible and skilled, but this credential is also recognized by the Nebraska State Patrol for the CHP instructor requirement. Included in the cost of the course is a high quality, multi-media, state-compliant CHP course curriculum you can submit to the Nebraska State Patrol to become a CHP instructor.
$250 to USCCA for all your instructor materials, resources, and online learning module to prepare for the instructor evaluation phase
$347 for the 2-day Instructor course
Register for the 2 day course here:
https://training.usconcealedcarry.com/class/uscca-instructor-credentialing-class/ba4798d4-2e7c-11e9-94c1-0242c0a80013?lat=41.1544&lng=-96.0423&p=0&q=Papillion%2C%20NebraskaAfter registering for this class, please call 1-877-577-4800 to purchase your online learning course and instructor toolkit. You will need to accomplish the online learning prior to the course.
For more information on the program, please visit