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Healthcare tyranny


If the democrat leadership uses this 'Slaughter Rule': nonsense to 'pass' Healthcare reform I'm afraid we're on a very slippery slope. It's blatantly illegal and shows they are willing to circumvent the law to acquire more power which is the very definition of tyranny. The courts and the upcoming election are the initial means to challenge this pending travesty (if it's crammed through) but history is pretty clear that tyrants aren't stopped by courts or elections for long. Tyrants only relent to uprisings by the governed to forcibly reclaim their rights. We also must ask what legislation will they manufacture after they are done with Health-care, and how much more bold will they be if they get away with this? Scary stuff.

 "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." ---  Thomas Jefferson

Well, they have finally shoved it down our throats. They didn't use the slaughter rule but this bill will destroy our country. It is blatantly unconstitutional and I have already written the governor, attorney general, congressman, state senator & state senators of the judiciary committee to fight this thing tooth and nail. Apparently Nebraska will be joining 9 other States in a lawsuit against this. I trust more will follow. I have heard that a total of 38 States have already or are either considering legislation and/or lawsuits against this.

I've got to vent...

%$^&($*#$$%#(^^&#(#$%%^^($$##@()@@@()%@!$$% 'ers

Thanks for listening...

It's not just the welfare dependents that the gubmint has by the short hairs - now the old, the infirm, and anyone who might get sick or injured is pressurable.....

...... not to mention anyone who might want a student loan......


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