Handguns, Rifles & Shotguns > Handguns
Ruger GP100
Thanks for the replies everyone. I went to Thunderalley and shot it for the first time tonight. Very well-behaved even with .357 mag ammo. I think in a few hundred rounds we will reach an understanding and life will be good. Even so, my 8th or 9th cylinder gave me a nice pattern which was less than 2" (at 25')
i recently purchased a royal pheonix gp 100 have not fired it yet.
Great gun indeed. Mine is nearing a decade in age as well with never any issues.
I am not very accurate with it though and prefer to shoot my S&W M&P instead.
I purchased a gently used GP100 as describe din the initial post - just about 10 yrs older...I absolutely love that gun - fun to shoot and accurate. My wife can even handle it (not with the .357 loads though)...
i am a revolver guy and just dont really like semi-autos - I have tried - just own a LCP...just bought a sp101 in .357 w/ 2.25" stainless witha bobbed hammer sunday - yet to fire it though...
I have had a 4" stainless GP100 for about 10 years. It is my recommendation for someone who wants only one relatively carefree handgun and does not intend to carry it concealed. It is dependable, accurate, easy to clean, and handles so many different ammo loads for target, defense, or other purposes. I was the only one in my CCW class to qualify with a revolver - this was it, in a Safariland holster/belt. Mine has the cocabola insert grips.
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