
Do they know where their kid is? I wouldn't bet on it.......
I was in Lincoln today for the Governor's Cup 5K race. I'm not much of a runner, but Eldest is, so I enter to try to keep an eye on her......... about 1/3rd of the way through the course, I came to a gaggle of kids on a corner, ages probably 7 to 10. One of them, I'm guessing 10 years old and pushing 150 lbs(think the German kid that fell into the chocolate river in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), is standing there with a toy riot gun, muzzle on his toe, pulling the trigger, click-click-click........ As I pass him, he hollers, "Why are you people running? What are you running for? You people are STUPID! You are running for NO REASON!" to everyone passing by..... I REALLY wanted to take that plastic shotgun and tan his fat behind......... " I'm running to set a good example for my kids, so they can grow up with the ability to see their feet without a mirror, you fat little BAS&*%$ " was what I REALLY, REALLY wanted to say............ but I had a race to run...........
What say you? (feel free to answer the kid's question for all of the runners who didn't have time to stop and edify the young monstI mean man.....)