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Author Topic: Where' this kid's parents?  (Read 5261 times)

Offline JimP

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Where' this kid's parents?
« on: October 21, 2007, 08:23:02 PM »
 >:( Do they know where their kid is? I wouldn't bet on it.......

I was in Lincoln today for the Governor's Cup 5K race. I'm not much of a runner, but Eldest is, so I enter to try to keep an eye on her......... about 1/3rd of the way through the course, I came to a gaggle of kids on a corner, ages probably 7 to 10. One of them, I'm guessing 10 years old and pushing 150 lbs(think the German kid that fell into the chocolate river in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), is standing there with a toy riot gun, muzzle on his toe, pulling the trigger, click-click-click........ As I pass him, he hollers, "Why are you people running? What are you running for? You people are STUPID! You are running for NO REASON!" to everyone passing by..... I REALLY wanted to take that plastic shotgun and tan his fat behind......... " I'm running to set a good example for my kids, so they can grow up with the ability to see their feet without a mirror, you fat little BAS&*%$ " was what I REALLY, REALLY wanted to say............ but I had a race to run...........

What say you? (feel free to answer the kid's question for all of the runners who didn't have time to stop and edify the young monstI mean man.....)
The Right to Keep and BEAR Arms is enshrined explicitly in both our State and Federal Constitutions, yet most of us are afraid to actually excercise that Right, for very good reason: there is a good chance of being arrested........ and  THAT is a damned shame.  III.

Offline Kim

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Re: Where' this kid's parents?
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2007, 10:29:23 PM »
Oh where to begin.......

I think I would have grabbed the kid by the ear, pulled him into the race in front of me using "military" type motivation through the remainder of the race. This might have intimidated the kid into thinking twice in the future, giving him an insight as to what this race was for and without harming him (except for a a little exercise). I would imagine the parents were no where around and had no clue or care as to what their child was doing.

That is what is so sad in this society, parents let their children run and the kids are out of control. The parents are too busy with their own life to take an active part in their child's life. Parents are afraid to discipline their children for fear of repercussions. Horse poo poo ..... kids need discipline period! Now I am all for giving kids some latitude and some freedom to make their own mistakes, however my kids have a lot more respect because they were raised with love, kindness and respect shown to them as well as discipline.

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Re: Where' this kid's parents?
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2007, 12:48:01 PM »
The more I think about this the more I feel the need to make  point....

You were there running the race WITH your daughter, you were WITH all of your kids this weekend having fun down in the timber.

We were WITH our kids all weekend. I think the only time that we were not with both kids this weekend was when Nick & Jay went to #1Hickeys to check out the varmit situation (I stayed home) and Saturday Allysa had a brithday party. Other than that, what we did - they did and vice versa and not because we had too, but because we all wanted to.

In my opinion, that makes the difference between good kids & bad kids.

Offline JimP

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Re: Where's this kid's parents?
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2007, 01:02:08 PM »
This is just more anecdotal evidence that little kids left unsupervised will eventually revert to feral little monsters........... "Lord of the Flies" comes to mind...........
The Right to Keep and BEAR Arms is enshrined explicitly in both our State and Federal Constitutions, yet most of us are afraid to actually excercise that Right, for very good reason: there is a good chance of being arrested........ and  THAT is a damned shame.  III.

Offline Jay

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Re: Where' this kid's parents?
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2007, 01:42:17 PM »
The problem is that "they" use this same argument to try to convince us that we as a society would suffer the same fate if left "unsupervised". We need Big Brother running every facet of our lives or we will turn into monsters.

I don't think it is the fact that he was by himself so much as it is probably that his parents do not set a good example for him when they are together. Then again the "Lord of the Flies" kids were in military school I think, so you would assume that what they were taught should have stayed with them on the island. Of course that was just a movie.

I still believe that quantity of time can never make up a lack of quality of time.

Offline JimP

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Re: Where' this kid's parents?
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2007, 03:40:45 PM »
The difference in Big Brother supevising us and this kid being unsupervised is that we are adults and are responsible, legally and morally, for our actions. KleinHerr Schokoladen Fingern on the corner is a minor, and is therefore not responsible for his actions, at least legally. As I read  elsewhere today, "OK, so he is just a little boy. I'll just use a little horsewhip. And use the BIG one on his parents!"
« Last Edit: April 07, 2009, 09:47:32 PM by JimP »
The Right to Keep and BEAR Arms is enshrined explicitly in both our State and Federal Constitutions, yet most of us are afraid to actually excercise that Right, for very good reason: there is a good chance of being arrested........ and  THAT is a damned shame.  III.

Offline Jay

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Re: Where' this kid's parents?
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2007, 05:28:18 PM »
I agree 100%, now if we could just convince our "gubmint" (to use a JimP ism) that we are adults and should be treated as such, and punished as such, all would be well.

Give us the freedom, and punish those (severely) who abuse their freedom.