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Employees fired for assisting in pursuit
NE Bull:
This article is longer than others, but has instances of when companies got sued by thiefs and/or family for injury/ death.
I'm just flabergasted by these coporate policies. If it were my business, I'd fire those that DID NOT try to apprehend a thief! Of course, the shotgun on the wall behind the counter would probably make any punk think twice. >:D
Shotgun, I'm thinking a Gatling gun may be a good choice, of course then it would need to be manned.
It's unfortunate that the lawyers and the corrupt legal system is always in the crook's favor.
Corperate America isn't much better. These guys were trying to protect the mall's stuff and got fired because the store was worried that if more of this happens some one will get hurt and they will get sued.
There should be some sort of "good simeritan" law to protect people that are trying to do the right thing no matter what if they are trying to do good.
You shouldn't have to be scared of doing the right thing. EVER!
I may be a young buck and all but I still remember my dad teaching me in no uncertain terms that you should always do the right thing. When did that become a problem? Someone that knows please inform me, since I never got the memo.
I also remember being taught that you don't take what isn't yours, be polite to others, etc. Apparently, parents aren't parenting these days.
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