Yeah, I know what you mean. I have to be honest, I have gone around and around with myself on this issue. If I do not support a gun show because it is in an anti-gun location, am I hurting pro gunners as much as I am the anti-gunners? Is it the vendors faults that the location of the show is anti-gun, or should we as a gun community flat out refuse to hold events in such locations? Should we boycott the vendors who chose to have a booth in an anti-gun location? Or on the other hand, if we choose to not hold a gun show in an anti-gun location, are we just giving in to what the antis wanted in the first place, no guns? Should we go the other way and purposely hold such events in "enemy territory" to show them we are here and will not go away?
On most subjects, I generally have a definite opinion, but I have to admit I'm still on the fence on this one.