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I have been giving obtaining a CCL some serious thought. If I do go ahead with this I will also need to pick up a pistol as well. As a life long shooter and reloader its not that I dont own any hand guns but none at present that I would feel are right for the job. I have pretty much decided to go with a 2" barreled wheel gun but am not settled on caliber as yet. As I see it this step requires that I also will need to commit to becoming proficient with this weapon and keeping so as long as I continue to carry it. In other words lots of range time and ammo. In order to make this a bit less costly and eisier to accomplish I have been looking at going with the .22 MAGNUM WRF. Your opinions and comments would be appreciated.



By no means am I an expert....

My thought is that you need to train and carry a weapon that you are comfortable using/carrying.  At the same time, the weapon needs to give you a realistic chance at stopping the bad guy.  If you think the .22 magnum wrf will give you stopping power you may need while keeping your carry weapon an economical thing, than go for it.  I carry a .40 cal Glock, my wife likes the 9mm.

I'm no expert either.  Cost is an issue for most people too, including me.  One answer might be a snubby in .357.  You could practice with some cheap .38 Special ammo, and save the hot .357's for carry purposes.  The sight picture and trigger pull would always be the same.  Just my opine.......  Carrying anything gives you a better chance than carrying nothing. 

Personally, I would like to think I'm giving myself the best chance possible when the SHTF.  I carry a 3" Kimber .45 ACP.   

Chris Z:
.38 Special +P in a wheel gun that you feel comfortable with.

.357 is a great caliber, but not always the most pleasant to shoot in smaller carry guns

If you reload, cost for .38 Special practice ammo is not an issue: you can stuff that stuff for less than .22 mag factory ammo:

A quick check of Cabela's prices shows $57.99 for 250 CCI .22 WRFM ....... 30+ cents a pop ....  Fiocci's will set you back 18 cents ea...... and these are BULK prices...

.... 250 Berry's plated 125 grain .357 bullets are 24 bucks..... less than 10 cents ea. .... primers maybe 3 cents, .38 cases are everywhere for free,  and you'd have to try real hard to get more than 3 cents worth of powder in a .38 case safely.....

Do the math: Cost IS NOT a reason to carry .22 Mag.

Carry that if it floats your boat for whatever reason, but look at the question honestly:  Do you want to pay more to carry less?

Me, I prefer to carry IWB, and have not found a good way to do that with a wheel gun..... they're so ..... you know- ROUND.  1911: Flat.  Fits well between round me and flat heavy duty belt.


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