General Categories > Carry Issues

We need to have format and placement rules on the ccw prohibited signs

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I know there are limitations on how much any of us can take on at one time, either individually or collectively.  I just want to point out that the more members we have that become active, the more successful we will be.  Perhaps that could also mean the more things we can work on collectively.  

So let's get more of our members active.  Encourage people to become active. Encourage people to join the NFOA if they aren't already members.  And then encourage those folks to become active.

OK, cheerleader mode off now.   I will see a bunch of you tomorrow at the leadership conference.  :)


I'm happy to see support for uniform signage requirements. I agree we should all do what we can to make sure castle doctrine, registration ban, and uniform prohibited signage are addressed by our representatives.
I think they passed the castle law and made it so ccw don?t need to register their guns so far. Since I have been set for trial (ccw in prohibited area) I will include the details my lawyer says it's ok to talk about in a different thread soon.
Anyway all of you please feel free to solicit support from any and all district, city and state representatives on this sign thing. It may not come in time to help me but many will saved from jail, humiliation, and unnecessary court costs. I will update my actions and progress on Monday.

I'd rather see the "signage" crap go away altogether and have the "place or premises where the person, persons, entity, or entities in control of the property or employer in control of the property has prohibited permitholders from carrying concealed handguns into or onto the place or premises" clause........removed from the statute entirely.

I have no problem with a private property owner or person in control of the place having a rule that CCW is not allowed.  I would greatly prefer the system other states have where you are not in violation until you are asked to leave and refuse.  The signs are often not present or not clearly visible.

Dan W:
Intellectual honesty keeps me from demanding others waive their rights to control their property, just to please me...Just ain't right.



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