Handguns, Rifles & Shotguns > Handguns

Finnicky p95

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My Ruger p95 has never been picky on ammo, but recently it seems like every other round is a FTE. Its getting quite frustrating at the range, and it is supposed to be my home defense weapon (my other option is a P22 *sigh*). I'm feeding it the cheap stuff, which I always have. I keep it quite clean (though I am newer to the process). I'm wondering if it needs some more REM oil in the right places or what. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Dan W:
Just a guess but usually a FTE is caused by a weak extractor spring, worn or chipped extractor, or dirt in the extractor channel.

It can also be caused by a weak grip technique called "limp wristing" and by issues with substandard ammunition

I am not very  familiar with the P95, but here is a link that describes the extractor removal.


I would not attempt this unless you are fully prepared to deal with the consequences.

My wife had the same problem for a while when it was new. We changed ammo and that helped. What I found was that if I put more oil on the rails it would work much better.

Chris Z:
Have you been loading all rounds into the chamber via the magazine?

In other words, not dropping any individual rounds in the chamber and releasing the slide?

I've done both, when it fte's it stovepipes sometimes and tries to load the next round, a couple times I have pulled the slide all the way back, dropped the mag and inserted the round that was trying to load. Often times it fails to eject too.


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