Handguns, Rifles & Shotguns > Handguns

Finnicky p95

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I am not familiar with the p95 ..... but with some guns that have an internal extractor (most 1911's), dropping the slide on a chambered round means the extractor has to snap up over the case rim.... bad juju, that.

That makes a lot of sense, thank you. I will put a stop to that practice immediately.

Chris Z:
So you may need to have the extractor replaced if it has been chipped then.

Also check to make sure there is not a lot of build up around the extractor area, and that it is nice and clean (as well as the chamber)

Will do. Today is my 7th in a row at work, but I have tomorrow off, planning on getting it taken care of tonight, and taking it out tomorrow.

I have had one for a few years without any issues.  If you get tired of tinkering around on it and want to pick up a used one, PM me.   Good luck!


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