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New Ammo manufacturer in Nebraska

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--- Quote from: Grunt167 on July 21, 2010, 03:03:12 PM ---We also need to go after manufacturers in blue states like Kimber which is in New York state....

--- End quote ---

Why would they want to leave NY for someplace else with high taxes? That is the issue Nebraska needs to address to enable economic growth. We have the highest income, property (3rd highest in the country!) & gas taxes & 2nd highest sales tax compared to our neighboring states.....

Sorry about the thread hijack- glad to see an ammo maker gearing up. Let's hope the competition starts to drive prices down......

Higher tax rate is a price we pay for a more sparsely populated state.  NYC vs Lincoln. I will take Lincoln.
Glad to see more business moving to NE instead of leaving.

Couldn't disagree more. That is why I only compared Nebraska to our bordering states. Sure there are differences but many more similarities, what inherent advantages do Kansas & So Dakota have over the 'Good life' state? And doesn't sparser population equal fewer services too? Sorry does not compute. I'm glad to see new businesses starting & I'd rather live in Lincoln then NYC too- but that is more a knock against NY then vote for Lincoln.

Dark Helmet:
I'm anxious to get out to Kimball and check it out... I love that part of the state... I've got some clients out there I haven't seen in a while I should drop in on while I'm there.


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