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I hate being helplessly disarmed at work

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Thanks SemperFiGuy, my CHP instructor told me the same... just me being paranoid and thorough.. thorounoid...


Fantastic..........A Brand New Compulsion.

Can I borrow it??   May I join you??

My daughter was in USAF Officer's Training.   We visited.   She said, "Dad...They even make us ground our books on our desks."   I said, "Ground books??  What's that??"   She showed me.

Guess who now grounds his books on his desk.   And his papers.   And.........



--- Quote from: SemperFiGuy on August 21, 2010, 08:08:23 PM ---Thorounoid!!!

--- End quote ---

Agreed! Love it!

I've got a friend who just passed his NRA course for CHP in FL.  He's... got a lot to learn. He's eager and mindful, but not as thorough as should be with basic common sense about storing / transporting / etc firearms.  I'll have to throw this name at him and see if it sticks :)

You're not thorounoid, you just have a heightened sense of awareness.  After all, transvestite did go slasher film style in the parking lot....  What do you do?

SemperFiGuy is right about the concealed carry laws.  However, and employer, including a school, can ban weapons from it's premises including employee's cars.

So, you wouldn't be guilty of a crime by keeping the gun in a locked compartment of a vehicle, but you could be fired if it is against the school's policy.


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